Applies to Avast Mobile Security for Android
Android data and programming interfaces are protected by permissions. Avast Mobile Security requires certain permissions to function as intended. We take your privacy very seriously and we do not use the permissions to transmit private data to our servers or to cause unwanted costs to your phone bill.
Permissions required by Avast Mobile Security are divided into the following groups, which consist of a permission name and a short description that explains what the permission does and why the app needs it. This article describes only the most important permissions. To check the full list of permissions on your device:
- Open Settings on your device.
- Search for or select Apps / App permissions.
- Select Avast Mobile Security from your list of installed apps.
- Select Permissions.
Tap or click the permission group names below to read more about each permission:
- Allows Web Shield to scan URLS you visit, analyze them and block dangerous data.
- Allows access to view your screen and display content over other apps.
- Allows interaction with apps on your behalf.
All Access Files
- Allows Photo Vault and Clean Junk to read, modify, and delete files.
Appear on Top
- Allows Appp Lock to appear on top of other apps you use.
- Allows App Lock to restore a PIN.
- Allows access to contact details and device accounts to sign in via Google Account.
- Allows Scan Wi-Fi to identify new networks and scan them for threats.
- Allows access to files in the device storage and scans them for security threats.
- Allows deletion of malware and junk files from the device storage.
Usage Access
- Allows App Lock to detect when a locked app is opened, so Avast can lock it for you.
- Allows access to monitor the usage of other apps.
- Allows access to your service provider and settings information.
Updated on: 02/06/2022